N Highway 59

Winton, CA 95388

  • 0 Sqft


1,002.70-acre ranch with 336 acres of walnuts, 85 acres of irrigated pasture, and 581.70 acres of gently sloping native pasture, in three non-contiguous, but closely aligned portions with 161 acres in the merced irrigation district and stable groundwater supplies. remainder is in the amsterdam water district and may hold potential for additional surface water supplies. walnut orchards are planted to mostly chandlers with about 60 acres planted to the tulare variety with strong orchard yield history. modest corrals. leased solar array.

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BuyOwner last updated this listing 03/03/2025 @ 16:32

  • MLS: 224048703
  • SOURCE: MLS Metrolist

is a Land, with bedrooms which is for sale, it has 0 sqft, 0 sized lot, and 0 parking. are nearby neighborhoods.