2nd Street

Dunnigan, CA 95937

  • 0 Sqft


According to public records, this property is zoned r-2, the buildings on the property have no value and cannot be used according to yolo county planning. this property is be sold with two other neighboring properties, mls #223049153/29240-29242 wheeler street and mls 223049175/vacant lot corner of 2nd and wheeler streets with the idea the new owner will get approval from yolo county planning to merge the three lots into two lots for future development. this property does not have a well, it does have septic. cash only.

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BuyOwner last updated this listing 03/29/2025 @ 05:05

  • MLS: 223049126
  • SOURCE: MLS Metrolist

is a Land, with bedrooms which is recently sold, it has 0 sqft, 0 sized lot, and 0 parking. are nearby neighborhoods.