Learn More About Allyn, Washington
Currently there are 34 homes for sale, 2 condos and apartments for sale and 18 vacant land for sale in Allyn
Currently Allyn has 54 properties on the market for sale. The inventory was last updated 03/09/2025. Of these properties, 34 single family homes are for sale by their owners in Allyn, and 2 condos are for sale by their owners in Allyn. The average price of the single family homes for sale in Allyn, is $592,060, the average condo price in Allyn, is $570,048. The average price per square foot of the active inventory is $212. This is based the living area square footage.
Over the last year, there have been 12 of properties sold in Allyn. Of these properties, 11 single family homes have sold by their owners in Allyn, and 1 condos have sold by their owners in Allyn. The average sales price of the single family homes sold in Allyn, is $555,493. Single family homes have been selling for 270 per square foot of living area. The average sales price of the condos for sale in Allyn, is $535,411. Condos have been selling for N/A per square foot of living area.
The most active subdivisions with listings for sale in Allyn, are:
If you are thinking of selling your Allyn home, try our flat fee listing service, Our list fees start at $449, and may save you $15,000 in real estate commissions. Click here to start saving.
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This data up-to-date as of 03/09/2025