21009 is located in Harford, MD. There are currently 96 Homes for Sale within 21009, with asking prices ranging from $25,000 to $785,000. The average list price per square foot of the available inventory in 21009 is $51, which is above the Harford County average of $0.
The Average Sales price of all sold real estate in this subdivision for the past year is $349,575.
Recent comparable homes have been selling for 93.44% of their asking price.
Waterfront homes represent
of the available 21009 inventory.
The population of 21009, according to the 2010 Census, is 29,766.
The total number of households in the zip code of 21009 is 11,171, with an average household size for of 2.66 people. The total number of renter households within the zip code of 21009 is 1,841, which means that 83.52% of households in this zipcode are owner occupant households.